About us
Marzena Martyniak
Psychologist, Emotional Intelligence Expert, scientist, researcher of emotional intelligence. The author of the preventive educational program “Land of emotions”, unique tools for developing emotional intelligence for children and adults. Author of an individual training in developing emotional intelligence for adults “PERSONAL POWER” and diagnostic tools “Level of children emotions” LOCE; “Level of adults emotions” LOAE; Speaker at national and international conferences, ie Portugal, Australia, Lithuania, USA.
Marzena Martyniak is a member of ISEI based in New York and the main representative of ISEI in Poland.
Marzena Martyniak is the co-author of the academic book “Eastern European Perspectives on emotional intelligence” published by Routledge Research in Psychology and a series of guides for parents from the Doctor Emocja series.
At the international conference in Australia in 2019, her presentation of the results of the training in developing emotional intelligence, “Personal EPower”, was featured in the Psihologijskie teme / Psychological Topics journal. Emotional Intelligence: Current Research and Trends 2020. Faculty of humanities and Social Sciences University of Rijeka
We want to use the power and potential of emotions to build a more content, happy and compassionate society. We focus on improving the quality of personal and professional life. We want to improve communication in professional and family systems.
The mission of the Institute for the Development of Emotions is to introduce the standards of teaching emotional and social skills to the basic program of preschool and school education.
The Institute for the Development of Emotions was submitted in 2012 by Marzena Martyniak. As a research and development unit, it deals with the development of emotional intelligence in adults and children and the monitoring of emotional health in Poland.
Goals and tasks
Supporting the work of teachers. A happy teacher is a happy child. The teacher is one of the people who shows the world of emotions by his behavior, teaching their child and introducing him to it.
Supporting the child’s development. The emotional development of a child is very intense, especially in the first years of his life, and is changeable. Knowing about a child’s emotions is essential and crucial to help him spread his wings in getting to know himself, his needs, and build satisfying relationships with peers and adults.Supporting the parent. Every parent wants his child to be happy, to like himself and others, to love himself and others. Do we adults know how to do this? An emotionally intelligent parent is an emotionally intelligent child.
Building a friendly and effective work environment. Love for work.
Supporting the personal development of employees. Company needs. Customer needs. employee needs.
Supporting the management in effective management. Management emotions – company energy.